Petition Printables

Note that we are pivoting to do this in 2024, as explained here. We will be working on revisions of the printables on this page, including printables for outreach!

General Petition Printables (8″x 11″)

  • New Full Signing Instructions: Signing & Returning (2-sided) – this web page also has related links
  • New Signature Gathering Instructions: Where to Collect & Tips (2-sided)
  • Sign for Table – Includes signing instructions
  • Tent Sign for Table – Same as above, but foldable
  • Short Signing Instructions to Share: Cut in 4
  • Clipboard Cover – helps give instructions & info

Radiation Limits Petition Printables (8″x 11″)

  • Clipboard Cover Sheet – helps give instructions & info
  • Poster – also helps as visual when collecting signatures standing or at table
  • Poster – with space for notes (e.g. contact info)
  • Campaign Flyer – Summary & Signing and Returning Instructions (2-sided sheet)
  • Short Signing Instructiosn & Summary – Instructions (2-sided, cut in 4)
  • Short Summary & Invite – Drop-off Invitation to Sign/ Order Petition (2-sided, cut in 4)

Additional educational resources can be found by scrolling down to the footer (on every page) and clicking on resources, then clicking the tab on limiting radiation.

Petition Initiative Social Media

  • Blog Post: MA Voters Get Your Petition on Radiation Limits
  • Blog Post: Limit Radiation at Home
  • Facebook
  • Twitter – we don’t have an account, but you can check Kirstin’s page.
  • Image to share:

Summary – Petition S (Radiation Limits 2023)

Besides our simple summaries on our handouts, the Massachusetts attorney general’s office is required to create summaries for initiative petitions that are concise and accurate, though not necessarily detailed.

The following is the attorney general’s summary of petition S, which is online in full form here, for which we are gathering signatures – emphasis has been added in bold along with the sections in brackets []:

SUMMARY OF PETITION S (Topic: Radiation Limits)

This proposed law would establish new requirements for private corporations and governmental agencies to reduce and mitigate the effects of certain electromagnetic radiation.

The proposed law would require technology companies, including internet and personal wireless services providers and electronic product manufacturers, to limit electromagnetic field exposures to the minimum required for access to their services and operation of their devices. This limit would apply to new products, services, and installations and, where compatible, to service and product upgrades and software updates. The proposed law directs the Attorney General to enforce compliance. These limits must be implemented by two months, one year, or one year and three months, as further specified in the proposed law. [See section 1, page 1, here]

The proposed law would require carriers, personal wireless services, wireless facilities, and any corporation offering internet and telecommunications access to limit electromagnetic field exposures to the minimum required for operation of services. The proposed law directs the Attorney General to enforce compliance. [See section 8 on page 20]

The proposed law would require the Department of Telecommunications and Cable (DTC) to monitor and collect data on electromagnetic radiation emitted from wireless facilities [see section 2, page 4], expand the DTC’s policy development authority to include transmission media and technology that best reduces electromagnetic radiation exposures [see section 4, page 5, here], and create a new Division of Communication and Electronic Radiation Monitoring that would collect and share data on electromagnetic radiation from wireless facilities and other technologies [see section 5, page 5]. This would take effect one year from the effective date of the proposed law.

The Department of Public Utilities and utility companies would be required to offer ratepayers non-wireless equipment [see section 14, page 38 – this is modified slightly from Senator Moore’s current bill S.2152 – please tell your legislator to support his bill which has not moved forward since submitted in 2013 or 4 legislative sessions even though considered quite problematic].

The proposed law would establish new requirements for wireless facility operators, including annual radiation testing, certification, and reporting; minimum cash or conventional and environmental pollution insurance coverage; and a ban on the installation of wireless facilities on public higher education and public school campuses, state parks, and state forests, except for basic emergency services at state parks and state forests. Violations of these new requirements would incur civil and criminal penalties. [See section 6 on page 11]

The proposed law would update the mission and board composition of the Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI) to prioritize MBI’s pursuit of hard-wired connectivity and expertise in Building Biology and reducing exposure. [See section 14 on page 37 – specifically, the text redirects the MBI to maintain & develop wired infrastructure used for telecommunications and IT; divest from wireless except for emergency services; and to support hard-wired connectivity in public spaces.]

The proposed law would update the Code of Massachusetts Regulations to include Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS) as a disease subject to Department of Public Health (DPH) surveillance. DPH would educate health care providers and the public on EMS, including through an EMS disease registry advisory committee within DPH. [See section 6 on page 17 – this section is based on Representative Farley-Bouvier‘s state bill H.2158 – please encourage your legislator to support this bill]

The proposed law would require the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), public schools, public school districts, the Board of Higher Education (BHE), and public or independent institutions of higher education to reduce or eliminate man-made non-ionizing radiation emissions that are known, likely, potentially, unintentionally, or unknown to be harmful. DESE and BHE would develop guidelines and recommendations to reduce or eliminate harmful radiation for their respective stakeholders. [For example see section 11 on page 27, which requires public schools to set objectives within their means to reduce exposures, and see section 13 on page 33, which requires the DESE and BHE to develop recommendations.]

The proposed law would establish a commission to investigate the health and environmental effects of electromagnetic radiation and prohibit further installation of small cells and wireless facilities during the investigation. [See section 10 on page 22]

The proposed law would establish a commission to determine how to minimize non-ionizing radiation exposure for first responders who use wireless technology. [See section 11 on page 25]

FED BILLS to increase wireless radiation – and action

90 industry bills to promote wireless & antennas are moving quickly through the House and Senate, and some are set for a vote any day now. Depending on the bill, changes are:

  • cell towers anywhere, such as your front lawn, removing all local control;
  • deploy in national parks and forests;
  • environmental review elimination;
  • eliminate 5G security requirements;
  • wireless in agriculture promotion (favoring Big Ag and harming pollinators);
  • speed satellite deployment (harmful to the atmosphere, etc.);
  • etc.

The audacity these bills has led to, as seems usual now, opposition from local government and related associations: U.S. Conference of Mayors, National League of Cities, National Association of Counties, Alliance for Community Media.

The easiest thing to do is to sign a petition for legislators at Children’s Health Defense or Environmental Health Trust – the CHD form is here for one of the worst bills and the EHT form for 50 bills is here.

If you can, reach out and call your federal legislators and educate them, too. There is a wealth of resources on these bills, such as follows – also included is a the list of some Massachusetts legislators:

More petitions, bill details, suggested amendments, and resources:

Overview, Factsheet, Spreadsheet of 50 bills:


Senator Elizabeth Warren contact OR office locations: OR OR Washington phone number: (202) 224-4543

Senator Ed Markey contact: OR phone for time-sensitive matters: 617-565-8519


Representative Jim McGovern: OR

Representative Seth Moulton: Offices at – Phone: (978) 531-1669 (Salem) or (202) 225-8020 (D.C.)

Representative Lori Trahan: Lowell Office, 126 John Street, Suite 12, Lowell, MA 01852 – Phone: (978) 459-0101 | Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM | Contact page: Washington D.C. Phone: (202) 225-3411 (D.C.)

Other MA representatives can also influence the course of legislation – find their contact information here and call them too:

RadLimits Review


    • In Massachusetts, limits exist to prevent electric shock;
    • In other states, limits exist on magnetic and electric fields from high-voltage power lines;
    • In the US, limits on cell tower transmissions are meant to prevent heating;
    • In India, cell tower transmissions are much lower than in the US to reduce harmful biological effects;
    • In Chile, limits exist on cell towers near hospitals or schools;
    • In Cyprus, WiFi is prohibited in pediatric wards and elementary schools;
    • French regulators ordered a pause on sales of the Apple iPhone 12 since the radiation exceeded their limits – Apple promised to reduce radiation with a software update.


Dr. Chris Portier, recently retired from the US NIEHS, chaired the committee at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that in 2015 stated wireless and radiofrequencies were a 2b ‘possible’ carcinogen. Many original members of the committee have since stated wireless is carcinogenic and the classification must be strengthened. In 2022 for a brain cancer lawsuit, Portier wrote 176 pages of testimony with scientific references to prove cellphones cause brain cancer.

Dr. Robert Becker, MD (1923 – 2008), became famous for bringing media and a generation’s attention to the dangers of high-voltage power lines. Despite his hitherto successful career, he lost his research contracts and retired early because he spoke out against non-ionizing radiation. He wrote the cult classic The Body Electric and was nominated twice for Nobel Prize because he discovered electricity could heal bone.

Dr. Henry Lai, PhD, and Dr. Narinda Singh, PhD, in 1995 published that wireless signals broke DNA strands, and then dealt with industry attempts to discredit their work. Dr. Singh is best known for developing the comet assay, a technique used around the world to detect DNA breaks. Dr. Lai, who became a research professor at the University of Washington, has published evidence of harm documented in peer-reviewed science for the public on the

 – Dr. Olle Johansson, PhD, discovered that computers even without wireless could change the skin biome, with markers such as mast cells increasing. Dr. Johansson is now retired from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, but continues with research and advocacy for limits.

Dr. Neil Cherry, PhD (1946-2003), who published on how modulation of small amounts of non-ionizing radiation, including solar and geomagnetic activity (such as thunderstorms) can have harmful effects and advocated for making technology as safe as possible. Cherry also examined cancer clusters, such as on high rates of cancer in the line of transmissions from the Sutro Tower in San Francisco. In 2002 Dr. Cherry was appointed an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit, for services to science, education and the community.

Dr. Sam Milham, PhD, used his access to a WA state database to find workers exposed to more non-ionizing radiation, such as electricians,  contracted leukemia more than would be expected, sparking other researchers to look and find similar patterns. After retirement, he did further research and discovered that where electricity was newly introduced, ‘diseases of civilization’ like heart disease arose, about which he wrote the easy read Dirty Electricity. Milham believes the problem is linked to pulsing or surges and harmonics on ‘dirty’ electrical lines.


  • Scientific appeal on wireless & electricity with summary:
  • Scientists and doctors appeal for 5G moratorium: 5GAppeal.EU
  • Dr. Henry Lai:
  • Dr. Narendra P. Singh:
  • Dr. Robert Becker:
  • Dr. Olle Johansson’s donation page with information:
  • Dr. Portier’s 176 page report tying wireless to tumors:
  • Dr. Portier’s resume at IARC where he represented the CDC:
  • Dr. Sam Milham:
  • Dr. Neil Cherry (Archived Website):
  • US states with exposure limits relevant to electricity or policies of prudent avoidance:
  • France and Apple iPhone 12:
  • For international policies please see the Environmental Health Trust

Safer Utilities Amendment

Safer Utilities Amendment 2022

Scroll down for sample amendments to limit the smart grid.

Why? As far back as 2014, warnings were filed with the DPU that people were getting very sick from the ‘smart’ grid – such as Dr. Robert Pontius Gilmore who was one of four members appointed by Clark University to examine the technologies; Dr. William Rea, MD; physicist Dr. William Bruno; BLEC; MACI — alongside sad stories from residents. But the DPU has refused to bend, mandating the grid. Current bill H. 3309 includes a provision to mandate the ‘smart’ grid across the state and require ratepayers cover all costs. Continue reading “Safer Utilities Amendment”

Wired Broadband – Amendments



Even if you set aside thousands of studies showing wireless harms wildlife, wireless is a known security risk.

We need legislators, in the very brief time available now before the session for major bills ends on 31 July 2022, to propose the below amendments to wire broadband and telecommunications in nursing homes, soldier’s homes, schools, colleges, etc. If not, to give support for these changes next year. Continue reading “Wired Broadband – Amendments”

Halt or Amend S.186 (Investigation of Electromagnetic Impacts) 2022


Massachusetts bill S.186 to investigate electromagnetic exposures from technology could be redesigned to promote transparency & better representation, as suggested below. If not amended, a whitewash is likely, while with amendments this is still possible but less so.

The following are 6 proposed S.186 amendments, for which feedback is welcome (esp. #V, VI). These could be submitted as one amendment with a complete text or in parts as presented below: Continue reading “Halt or Amend S.186 (Investigation of Electromagnetic Impacts) 2022”

Safe MA Broadband & Electric


The following written testimony was provided, additional to spoken testimony, in 2021 for bills that were killed.

Massachusetts needs to insure modern electricity and communications are safe.


Substantial evidence exists in the research record that radiofrequency emissions from electricity and wireless communications cause biological changes such as increased oxidation (ROS) leading to downstream effects including calcium release, mitochondrial, DNA, and neuronal damage.

Effects are found from exposures from wireless and near electricity. The FCC even recognized in [Order 19-126], which denied biological effects and was just overturned by court order, that electric fields can cause instant “neural stimulation effects” unrelated to heating and that current guidelines fail to provide protection (328). Continue reading “Safe MA Broadband & Electric”

SIGN to End MA School Screen Time Mandate

The following was provided to MA legislators in a 2021 hearing, yet the bill was killed.

Through grade 12, our state standards require public school students utilize technology in nearly every subject in addition to media and computer science digital requirements.

Massachusetts has a Pre-K educational writing standard requiring pre-kindergarteners use digital tools to convey messages. Why demand technology use in Pre-K when students can barely spell? Continue reading “SIGN to End MA School Screen Time Mandate”

Electric Vehicle (EV) Critique


Critical testimony jointly submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities dockets 21-90, 21-91, and 21-92 on utility EV proposals on 14 September 2021  — available at MA DPU, but link may change after corrected copy is provided. Ken Gartner also provided a separate letter including more technical criticism.

Dear Secretary Marini:

All of the proposals from the above-captioned utility plans sound wonderful if one believes electric vehicles (EV) are the route to preventing climate disaster. However, sound environmental and public health reasons exist to stall these proposals for modification or elimination, in addition for privacy and property protection. Continue reading “Electric Vehicle (EV) Critique”

Request to Medical Professionals for Electromagnetic Education

Request to All Medical Professionals for Electromagnetic Education

13 October 2020, Updated July 2021


Fighting against environmental pollutants is often hindered by ignorance, corporate public relations, and the burden of harm. Death and disability has resulted from industry denial, as seen with tobacco, asbestos, and other products. Continue reading “Request to Medical Professionals for Electromagnetic Education”

MA Smart Grid Failures

MA Officials Smart Grid FAILED Investigations

By Kirstin Beatty

Some filings from advocates for the Department of Utilities can be found here. The sample filings highlight expert and advocate submissions on harm from the smart grid.

In Massachusetts, advocates have worked hard to present information to the Department of Utilities and the associated Attorney General’s office —  to the utility division; civil rights division; and directly to assistant attorney generals. The result for years has been the right to opt out for a fee, if the utility agrees.

In sum it seems that our sincere provision of information to request safer action has led the Department of Utilities and the industry to simply try to pass liability onto the state (e.g. taxpayers) in 2022 with DPU regulations and state bill H. 3309.

The Attorney General’s office appears to have focused on protecting ratepayer costs, but to have neglected civil and environmental rights.

Continue reading “MA Smart Grid Failures”

Lemmings for Bad Bills

Lemmings for Bad Bills

By Kirstin Beatty on 10 May 2020

~ Updated 21 July 2021; Feb, July 2022; 14 September 2022


Please be careful and pay attention to what you support or sign. Don’t be a lemming!

In the past I have noticed problem bills being promoted as solutions to non-ionizing radiation harms. I’m hoping the promotion of problem or lesser bills will stop, and have hopes but also fears. Continue reading “Lemmings for Bad Bills”

Last Tree Laws Massachusetts