Radiation Limits at Home

We are pushing a state-wide petition initiative to limit radiation (see our home page), but you can start at home. Personal protection can be an expense. Start with the easiest steps, such as distance and unplugging. Every step helps.

  1. Distance is your friend – distance yourself from any antennas as well as powerful sources of electricity (e.g. electrical control rooms).
  2. On cellphones, when possible, use airplane mode and also turn off location services, which may be located under tabs for privacy.
    • You can set a schedule for making and receiving calls if helpful.
    • If making a call, use speakerphone and keep the phone off your body. If you like, get airtube headphones.
    • You can also hard-wire cellphones, but keep in mind none currently allow phone calls and texting to occur when hard wired. However, the internet connection works and texts can be prepared.
    • Reduce the number of apps on your phone, as each app adds extra transmissions.
  3. Buy a landline or hard-wired computer phone to replace indoor wireless phones and your cellphone.
  4. Disable and stop using Bluetooth.
    • Hearing aids often transmit – turn Bluetooth off using the manual.
  5. Request a wired or analog utility meter from your utility – consider distance from the meters and purchasing a shield from specialized retailers if your utility refuses.
  6. Prefer appliances and devices that are not ‘smart’ and do not have an FCC tag that indicates intentional wireless transmissions.
  7. Unplug or disable as many unused devices as possible to avoid unintentional transmissions – this may include computers, printers, LEDs, energy-saving appliances, and anything with a ‘wall wart‘ or inverter.
  8. Purchase protective equipment to hard-wire your internet connections at Best Buy, Amazon, the Apple store (for Apple products), or specialized retailers of protective equipment online.
    • When possible avoid Apple – they are moving towards wireless everything.
    • Avoid retailers that offer stickers and other scams to reduce radiation exposures – check reviews and other indications of trustworthiness as well.
  9. Get a hard-wired internet connection with a low band-width router that does not automatically transmit wirelessly, an ethernet port switch with enough ports to connect all of your devices, and ethernet cords (e.g. Cat5, Cat6) for each port of sufficient length. You may also need to purchase equipment to connect the cords to your computers.
    • If the equipment does not belong to you and you cannot get any agreement to hard-wire, consider making an agreement to purchase either a router guard or a JRS Eco-router and then helping to set it up for reduced radiation.
    • If your equipment (printer, router, etc.) does transmit, be sure to disable the WiFi using the software – find the router controls with the instructions here or in your manual/ customer service.
    • If you wish to go down the rabbit hole, look for shielded cables and options to ground your connection from specialized retailers. For grounding, a metallic port switch should help.
    • Make sure the mouse, headphones, etc., are also hard wired.
    • A list of suggested hard-wiring equipment can be found at EMFanalysis.com here.
  10. Disable wireless connections and keep checking after hard-wiring equipment, including Bluetooth. Sometimes wireless connections get turned back on after updating software or a blackout.
  11. Because other shielding options can be complicated, expensive, and backfire, start with the above options before considering blocking signals with other shielding materials as you’ll need to verify efficacy and avoid mistakes where the shielding materials accidentally radiate and intensify exposures.
  12. For additional advice and recommendations, find a Building Biology (.org) consultant online that has good references – many also provide ample information on their websites. HealthyTechHome dot org also has advice.
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