We’re shifting some news to this page. However, this page will only reflect a small sample of news and be completed slowly, as we have to focus our time elsewhere.
Blog Posts (Mixed Topics)
- Call for Gigi Sohn for FCC – Fight Corruption July 17, 2022
- Lobby for Forests by 26 July 2022 July 17, 2022
- Support proposed amendments for existing bills:
- Wired Broadband & Telecommunications Amendments
- Amend S.186 (Investigating Wireless Impacts)
- Safer Utilities Amendment
- Out-dated:
- 5G Actions July 13, 2020
- Stop 5G Legislation Now! Contact committees before Feb 2022 - post from 10 Feb 2022
- Federal wireless bills and 2 phone scripts March 3, 2021
- Quick Call: MA Co-Sponsorship Requests! February 13, 2021
- 5G Actions July 13, 2020
Support Strong Stands!
- Strong Stands Make a Difference! April 9, 2020
- Divide & Co-Opt June 21, 2021
Articles, et cetera
- FAQs
- End Water Fluoridation 11 Oct. 2021
- Safer MA Wired Broadband & Electric 11 Oct. 2021
- End the School Screen Time Mandate 11 Oct. 2021
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Critique Massachusetts 14 September 2021
- Attorney Healey’s Smart Grid Investigation [UPDATED] August 26, 2020
- What’s with Agenda 21? UPDATED August 6, 202
- New Hampshire Report Supports Restricting Wireless November 1, 2020
- Request to Medical Professionals for Electromagnetic Education (dated) October 8, 2020
- Warning about Movement May 4, 2021
Real Conflict of Interest Reporting
- Real Conflict of Interest Reporting ~ a proposed ballot question
Legislation: Critique
- To Investigate or Not to Investigate? Problems with an Investigative Commission & Potential Solutions April 2021
- Lemmings for Bad Bills [Updated] May 11, 2020
- Kennedy bests Markey on Monopoly & Honesty April 17, 2020
Wireless & Electricity News
- Boston opposes 5G. The City of Boston has submitted to the FCC a call to "refresh" its outdated exposure guidelines and discusses small wireless facilities (SWFs) as being health concerns. Boston adds that it believes the concerns of the public are real.
- Several state legislators have written in support of reducing electromagnetic exposures on behalf of constituents harmed, including (stronger statements in bold):
- Other state legislators have shown support, some listed in a MA legislation timeline at Beatty.fyi
- Senator Markey. Markey keeps supporting 5G rollouts and wireless over wired.
- Federal Representatives Neal and McGovern (Western MA) signed onto bills to reverse FCC decisions against local control (see politician scorecards).
- Western MA wireless rollout. Senator Hinds and Comerford inserted an amendment for a few million to support wireless in rural western Massachusetts. This is because areas like Monterey complained about Verizon service. Comerford needs more education. Hinds will not be a legislator in 2023, and so could be educated more and asked to take a strong stand, too, before the main session ends in 31 July 2022.
- Verizon Digital Promise Innovative Learning Schools - provides technology with high frequency 28 GHz 5G, primarily to poor middle schools (see timeline) including some chools in Holyoke and Boston.
- Cambridge wins 5G court battle over ordinance and 5G siting requirements.
- Stop5G ordinance changes: Burlington, Bedford, Lincoln, Southborough, Wayland, Pittsfield, Cambridge (more recent), Shelburne (June '21), etc. Sheffield and Stockbridge have large setbacks, etc.
- Cell tower opposition: Centerville, Needham, North Andover, Franklin, Leominster, Dover-Sherborn Regional School, Peabody, Pittsfield, Mashpee, Monterey, Chappaquiddick/ Edgartown (David Strayton's lawsuit before AGO); Southwick (tower denied); Ashfield (withdrawn AT&T tower after lawsuit); Heath (cell tower application withdrawn), etc.
- Pittsfield vs. cell towers. The City Council unanimously voted to require the health department to investigate the symptoms reported after installation of a cell tower, then the health board voted to require the cell tower to cease and desist. However, Verizon then sued and the city council denied the Health Board's request to fund a lawyer, so that the Health Board then dropped the order. An discussion of this can be found here. See lawsuits for materials.
- Local advocate Patricia Burke continues to publish many relevant articles online with Natural Blaze.
- Last Tree Laws head Kirstin Beatty published 'It's time to regulate radiofrequency exposure' in the Hampshire Gazette, in addition to a previous letter.
- A timeline of Massachusetts non-ionizing radiation events is also posted at Beatty.fyi.
United States
- Court Likely to reverse FCC decision on safety of existing wireless guidelines - National Law Review reported this but the original link is removed. However, please see the lawsuit page for updated information on this and other cases.
- Oregon Health Department scrubbed wireless report - SB 283 for an investigation received unanimous state senate approval, 50-8 support in state house, and on Aug. 9, 2020, was signed into law by Gov. Kate Brown but the Washington Spectator reports “Oregon Health Authority Condemned by Scientists For Scrubbing Report on Wireless Hazards in Schools.”
- New Hampshire 5G/Wireless Investigation - Final report issues wireless warning and recommends limits. The report suggests several new ideas, in addition to several we've already put forward as legislation here in Massachusetts, written by director Kirstin Beatty.
- Groups ask FCC to pause commercial 6 GHz device certification to prevent interference with public safety and critical infrastructure services, including the Utility Technology Council (UTC), the American Gas Association, the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International, the American Petroleum Institute (API), American Public Power Association (APPA), American Water Works Association, Edison Electric Institute (EEI), International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), the National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC) and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)
- Stop5G Resolutions have been passed by Hawaii County, Easton (CT), and Farragut (TN) - Trump's Mar-A-Lago is excluded from 5G. For more examples, please see the Environmental Health Trust > Key Issues > 5G.
- Verizon Digital Promise Innovative Learning Schools - provides technology with high frequency 28 GHz 5G, primarily to poor schools - see timeline for a listing of some schools.
- Satellite News:
- There were 2 satellites in the 1970s, 3 in the 80s, 215 in the 90s per this graphic: http://graphics.thomsonreuters.com/14/satellites/index.html
- Union for Concerned Scientists maintains a list of total operational satellites. https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/satellite-database - another list including nonoperational is here: https://www.pixalytics.com/satellites-orbiting-earth-2019/
- 5G may be replaced by lasers from satellites.
- As of 6 Oct. 2020, Starlink SpaceX satellites are transmitting for service in northern USA and southern CAN from 44.9 - 51.8 - launch assured enough transmitting power for consumer beta testing, in contrast to previous employee testing.
- Starlink reports "extraordinary demand" August 2020 with nearly 700K requesting service (or are these new subscribers?), leading to a request to double user terminals. The U.S. Army also signed a contract.
- Sept. 2020 WA firefighters used Starlink SpaceX satellite transmissions (Nat'l Post, Thomas Seal, 8 Oct 2020).