Petition Printables

Petition Printables (8″x 11″)

  • 2024 Campaign Handout (2-sided) – Radiation Limits Background & Signing Instructions
  • Signature Gathering Instructions (out-dated, but still has useful info): Where to Collect & Tips (2-sided) (this page also has related links)
  • Poster – not specific to petition A, but to request assistance
  • Poster – like above poster, but space for notes (e.g. contact info)
  • More printables to come later.

Social Media

  • Blog Post: MA Voters Get Your Petition on Radiation Limits
  • Blog Post: Limit Radiation at Home
  • Image to share, even if not specific:

FED BILLS to increase wireless radiation – and action

90 industry bills to promote wireless & antennas are moving quickly through the House and Senate, and some are set for a vote any day now. Depending on the bill, changes are:

  • cell towers anywhere, such as your front lawn, removing all local control;
  • deploy in national parks and forests;
  • environmental review elimination;
  • eliminate 5G security requirements;
  • wireless in agriculture promotion (favoring Big Ag and harming pollinators);
  • speed satellite deployment (harmful to the atmosphere, etc.);
  • etc.

The audacity these bills has led to, as seems usual now, opposition from local government and related associations: U.S. Conference of Mayors, National League of Cities, National Association of Counties, Alliance for Community Media.

The easiest thing to do is to sign a petition for legislators at Children’s Health Defense or Environmental Health Trust – the CHD form is here for one of the worst bills and the EHT form for 50 bills is here.

If you can, reach out and call your federal legislators and educate them, too. There is a wealth of resources on these bills, such as follows – also included is a the list of some Massachusetts legislators:

More petitions, bill details, suggested amendments, and resources:

Overview, Factsheet, Spreadsheet of 50 bills:


Senator Elizabeth Warren contact OR office locations: OR OR Washington phone number: (202) 224-4543

Senator Ed Markey contact: OR phone for time-sensitive matters: 617-565-8519


Representative Jim McGovern: OR

Representative Seth Moulton: Offices at – Phone: (978) 531-1669 (Salem) or (202) 225-8020 (D.C.)

Representative Lori Trahan: Lowell Office, 126 John Street, Suite 12, Lowell, MA 01852 – Phone: (978) 459-0101 | Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM | Contact page: Washington D.C. Phone: (202) 225-3411 (D.C.)

Other MA representatives can also influence the course of legislation – find their contact information here and call them too:

Safer Utilities Amendment

Safer Utilities Amendment 2022

Scroll down for sample amendments to limit the smart grid.

Why? As far back as 2014, warnings were filed with the DPU that people were getting very sick from the ‘smart’ grid – such as Dr. Robert Pontius Gilmore who was one of four members appointed by Clark University to examine the technologies; Dr. William Rea, MD; physicist Dr. William Bruno; BLEC; MACI — alongside sad stories from residents. But the DPU has refused to bend, mandating the grid. Current bill H. 3309 includes a provision to mandate the ‘smart’ grid across the state and require ratepayers cover all costs. Continue reading “Safer Utilities Amendment”

Wired Broadband – Amendments



Even if you set aside thousands of studies showing wireless harms wildlife, wireless is a known security risk.

We need legislators, in the very brief time available now before the session for major bills ends on 31 July 2022, to propose the below amendments to wire broadband and telecommunications in nursing homes, soldier’s homes, schools, colleges, etc. If not, to give support for these changes next year. Continue reading “Wired Broadband – Amendments”

Halt or Amend S.186 (Investigation of Electromagnetic Impacts) 2022


Massachusetts bill S.186 to investigate electromagnetic exposures from technology could be redesigned to promote transparency & better representation, as suggested below. If not amended, a whitewash is likely, while with amendments this is still possible but less so.

The following are 6 proposed S.186 amendments, for which feedback is welcome (esp. #V, VI). These could be submitted as one amendment with a complete text or in parts as presented below: Continue reading “Halt or Amend S.186 (Investigation of Electromagnetic Impacts) 2022”

Safe MA Broadband & Electric


The following written testimony was provided, additional to spoken testimony, in 2021 for bills that were killed.

Massachusetts needs to insure modern electricity and communications are safe.


Substantial evidence exists in the research record that radiofrequency emissions from electricity and wireless communications cause biological changes such as increased oxidation (ROS) leading to downstream effects including calcium release, mitochondrial, DNA, and neuronal damage.

Effects are found from exposures from wireless and near electricity. The FCC even recognized in [Order 19-126], which denied biological effects and was just overturned by court order, that electric fields can cause instant “neural stimulation effects” unrelated to heating and that current guidelines fail to provide protection (328). Continue reading “Safe MA Broadband & Electric”

SIGN to End MA School Screen Time Mandate

The following was provided to MA legislators in a 2021 hearing, yet the bill was killed.

Through grade 12, our state standards require public school students utilize technology in nearly every subject in addition to media and computer science digital requirements.

Massachusetts has a Pre-K educational writing standard requiring pre-kindergarteners use digital tools to convey messages. Why demand technology use in Pre-K when students can barely spell? Continue reading “SIGN to End MA School Screen Time Mandate”

Last Tree Laws Massachusetts