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ONLY REGISTERED MA VOTER SIGNATURES COUNT – Check your status here. Voters can be removed from rolls if failing to vote in 2 federal elections (4 years) and failing to respond to mailed confirmations.
DO NOT make ANY other marks. If you make a mistake, just use another line. DO NOT STRIKE, CORRECT, OR LINE MISTAKES. Extra marks, even coffee stains, underlining, doodles, et cetera, invalidate petitions.
- Only 1 town may be listed on a petition!
- Sign as registered and, if messy, print your name too.
- Print your street and number (and apt.# if any).
- Leave blank the ward and precinct (prec.).
- MARRIED — sign your own name (e.g. Mary Smith, not Mrs. John Smith).
- PHYSICALLY DISABLED only — may authorize another person to sign for you.
- Start a new sheet after a petition page is half filled to prevent accidents!
- TURN IN BY DEADLINE. Signature sheets must be turned in to town election officials before 5 p.m. 20 November (a Wednesday). Make sure they’re open! The deadline is on the petition. Find your election officials at the secretary of state here.
- DONATE TO HELP COLLECT PETITIONS. Legally, clerks can keep sheets till 2 December but we need it sooner to send to the Secretary of State in Boston before the deadline which is 5 p.m. 4 December (also a Wednesday).
For information on where to legally collect signatures in public spaces, click here.
For information on turning in and reporting signatures, click here!
For printable instructions, see here.