Contact information is given, but please know that email is currently checked irregularly, sometimes not for days or 2 weeks.
Post can be sent to:
Last Tree Laws, c/o Kirstin Beatty, 149 Central Pk Dr, Holyoke, MA 01040.
Please use this email address for general emails:

For testimony, please use testimony in front of our domain address instead.
If sending email, use plain text and do not send attachments or images since thanks to viruses those will be blocked or not opened.
Since email delivery can be blocked, if sending email, please whitelist our email address to promote delivery of our email to your email address.
The following external sites have some generic instructions, although not for specifically for the email address above. If you use yahoo, gmail, and other conventional providers, you can probably find instructions here. Additional whitelist instructions for more email providers, for email clients, spam providers, and security apps can be found here.